fragInvalidFragmentUsage - ie: app's main fragment had no entry point - or - an accelerated resource had no entry point, or it had a termination routine, etc...
fragArchError - fragment targeted for an unacceptable architecture
fragAppNotFound - no application found in cfrg (for Process Manager)
fragUserInitProcErr - user intialization routine did not return noErr
fragCorruptErr - fragment container corrupted (known format)
fragConstErr - internal inconstistancy
fragMgrInitErr - error in initailization of this manager
fragLibConnErr - error connecting to library (error occured in sub prepare)
fragInitRtnUsageErr - boot library has initialization routine
fragInitLoop - circularity detected in mandatory initialization order
fragImportTooNew - import library was too new and therefore incompatible
fragImportTooOld - import library was too old and therefore incompatible
fragObjectInitSeqErr - order error during user initialization function invocation
fragNoContextIDs - no more context idΓÇÖs
fragNoAddrSpace - out of memory in user's address space for loadable section
fragNoMem - out of memory for interal bookkeeping
fragUnused1 - unused
fragHadUnresolveds - loaded fragment had ΓÇ£hardΓÇ¥ unresolved imports
fragFormatUnknown - fragment container format unknown
fragDupRegLibName - registered name already in use
fragLibNotFound - library name not found in Frag registry
fragSectionNotFound - section was not found
fragSymbolNotFound - symbol was not found in connection
fragConnectionIDNotFound - connecionID was not valid